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Using this OpenLABEL json schema we have created a python package kognic-openlabel which makes it easier to work with annotations. The python models the OpenLABEL format as pydantic models and can be installed with

pip install --upgrade kognic-openlabel

Since pydantic is used, the model contains validation as well as methods for serialization and deserialization. Below are examples of how you can easily change between different formats

openlabel_dict = {
"openlabel": {
"metadata": {
"schema_version": "1.0.0"

from kognic.openlabel.models import OpenLabelAnnotation

# Deserialize dict
openlabel_annotation = OpenLabelAnnotation.model_validate(openlabel_dict)

# Serialize to json
openlabel_json = openlabel_annotation.model_dump_json(exclude_none=True)

# Deserialize json
openlabel_annotation = OpenLabelAnnotation.model_validate_json(openlabel_json)

# Serialize to dict
openlabel_dict = openlabel_annotation.model_dump(exclude_none=True)