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The Python client

Using this schema we have developed a python client kognic-openlabel which makes it easier to work with annotations. The python client models the OpenLABEL format as pydantic models. It is publicly available here and can be installed with

pip install kognic-openlabel

Since pydantic is used, the model contains validation as well as methods for serialization and deserialition. Below are examples of how you can easily change between different formats

openlabel_dict = {
"openlabel": {
"metadata": {
"schema_version": "1.0.0"

from kognic.openlabel.models import OpenLabelAnnotation

# Deserialize dict
openlabel_annotation = OpenLabelAnnotation.parse_obj(openlabel_dict)

# Serialize to json
openlabel_json = openlabel_annotation.json(exclude_none=True)

# Deserialize json
openlabel_annotation = OpenLabelAnnotation.parse_raw(openlabel_json)

# Serialize to dict
openlabel_dict = openlabel_annotation.dict(exclude_none=True)